School Holiday Program
School Holiday Program
Interactive Workshops for Imaginative Learning
Parents need to work and kids need to play. Our School Holiday Program ensures all families in our community have the opportunity to manage both.

Introducing Community Kids Workshops
Community Kids Workshops is our school holiday program. A Your Angel Charity initiative established to provide accessible school holiday activities for families in need of financial or mental health relief.
Like our community cooking school, Community Kids Workshops are open to ALL families in the community with affordable entry for the general public and Your Angel sponsorship (free entry) for families in need.
Our school holiday workshops are hands-on, interactive and super fun. Through imaginative learning we help kids boost confidence & self-esteem as they mingle, learn, make & take home their creations from the day. Morning/afternoon tea and lunch is also provided (courtesy of The Community Cooking School).
We offer regular resident workshops with Kaz Magic & Circus workshops as well as kids hands-on cooking classes every school holidays. Plus, where we can, we’ll host additional one-off workshops such as Aboriginal art & craft, photography, STEM Lab & Superhero for a day (when presenters are available).
All presenters are professionals in their field and have NSW Govt WWC approval.
Visit for more.

Find us at
Kazcare Grounds
15-17 Kirkham Road, Bowral, NSW 2576
Phone: (02) 4861 1150
Email: [email protected]
Your Angel Charity Ltd is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
ABN: 43 614 039 968
ACN: 614 039 968
Copyright © Your Angel Charity Ltd 2019. All Rights Reserved.
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